HTML Document Strict Nature Reserves

Strict Nature Reserve is a strictly protected area set aside to protect biodiversity and also possibly geological / geomophorlogical features, where human visitation, use and impacts are strictly controled and limited to ensure preservation of conservation values. Such protected area can serve as indispensable reference area for scientific research and monitoring.

Release date 28/08/2010
Contributor charles amankwah

Relatively small areas containing fragile habitats, outstanding ecosystems or natural features in a relatively undisturbed state, and which are prime representatives of scientific study, monitoring, education or conservation of biological /cultural resources.  Such areas are to be maintained in an evolutionary dynamic state and will require strict protection with minimal human disturbance, i.e. no management interventions will generally be permitted. Tourisim, recreation and public access will be generally prescribed except for educational, scientific and cultural reasons, when only non mechanised access will be allowed.  The Kogyae Strict Nature Reserve is the only strict nature reserve in Ghana.