HTML Document In-Situ Conservation.

In-situ conservation refers to a  system of conserving fauna and flora within their natural environment. In Ghana this  conservation system is practiced by the establishment of forest reserves and national parks and secred sites (traditional way of protecting natural resources).

Release date 28/08/2010
Contributor Eric Okoree

Protected areas are important sites for in-situ conservation of fauna and flora and critical ecosystems.  There are four categories of wildlife protected areas in Ghana namely; National Park, Strict Nature Reserve, Wildlife Sanctuary and Resource Reserve.  Currently there are seven National Parks, Six Resource Reserves, two Wildlife Sanctuaries and one Strict Nature Reserve and five coastal Ramsar sites, with a combine total area of 13,489km2, approximately 6.2% of the total land area of Ghana.


There are also Community Wildlife Protected Areas and Sacred sites which play important role in in-situ conservation of natural resources.